Planning and Grid Connection Applications  - Solar NZ - Tūmanako Rānui

Planning and Grid Connection Applications

The feasibility study information is used to create a detailed resource consent application to get council’s approval for the solar farm. It typically takes council’s three to nine months to make a decision about a resource consent application.

  • Landscape, visual and natural character effects: Utility planting, including flax (Pā Harakeke). Our planting programme will create a natural aesthetic that acknowledges ‘na take wawewawe a Māui te tipua’, as well as help manage ecological effects without impeding the performance of the panels.
  • Productive soil: Identifying the land use classification of the soils on the site is important. For sites on highly productive soils, it’s important to demonstrate the solar panels are temporary, and soil productivity is not affected, and in some cases can be restored. Often this can be achieved through complementary uses of the site (e.g. sheep grazing the land beneath the solar panels).
  • Glint and glare: Solar panels can reflect some sunlight. Expert modellers can show the extent of possible glint and glare to guide extra planting where needed.
  • Cultural impacts.: Given the scale of the activity there is potential for cultural effects. Genuine partnerships with iwi and hapū will provide the project with local support. This will be key to the success of a project.
  • Consultation.: Engaging early with neighbours, iwi and hapū and local authorities is key to build understanding and support. We engage with compassion and transparency, using facts and examples to increase understanding, advocacy and ensure smooth and efficient processing of the solar farm resource consent application.
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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the lifespan of a solar farm?

    The usual lifespan of a solar farm is 35 – 45 years. At the end of the lease, the solar panels will either be replaced with new technology, or the solar farm will be decommissioned. The land is returned to its original state and the old ...

  • How much land do you need and what sort of terrain is best?

    Sunny and flat land near the grid is ideal for solar farming. Typically, a 1 megawatt (MW) solar farm requires approximately 2 hectares of land. To be economically viable, a minimum of 15 MW, which equates to around 30 hectares of land, would be needed as ...

  • Solar Farm Grid Connection

    The solar farm can connect to the main electricity grid and can also connect behind the meter.

  • How do solar panels work?

    Solar panels work by converting sunlight into electricity. They are made up of small units called solar cells, which are like small power generators that work by absorbing light. They contain a special material that can absorb energy particles (photons) that carry the sun’s power. When ...

  • Do Solar Panels Work on Cloudy Days?

    Yes, even though more power is created when the sun is shining, electricity is still produced on cloudy days and during winter. Creating an uninterrupted supply of electricity.